PIXUL is the first and only multi-sample sonicator that delivers extremely consistent results and is fast, simple, and inexpensive to operate.
Many next-generation sequencing (NGS) and mass spectrometry assays have been adapted to high-throughput protocols to satisfy the increasing demands of researchers generating multi-omics data. However, the physical shearing step in genomics, epigenomics, and proteomics workflows has remained an expensive bottleneck, preventing many scientists from truly being able to perform high-throughput assays.
The PIXUL Multi-Sample Sonicator addresses the limitations that have plagued other sonicators and finally offers an affordable solution to high-throughput chromatin, DNA, RNA, and protein shearing.
Upgrade to PIXUL to achieve truly consistent shearing of chromatin, DNA, RNA, and protein. Epigenetics will never be the same again!
PIXUL Multi-Sample Sonicator Highlights:
- Process 1-96 samples in parallel to avoid sample shearing bottlenecks in NGS applications
- Up to 12 unique sonication conditions can be run on a single 96-well plate, allowing simultaneous processing of multiple sample types and rapid optimization of conditions for difficult samples
- Compatible with chromatin, DNA, RNA, and protein from purified samples, cells, or tissues
- Inexpensive consumables keep sample processing costs low
- A short 15-minute coupling fluid circulation avoids lengthy water degassing processes
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