SIRT2 antibody (pAb)
RRID: AB_2793484 |
Aliases: SIR2, SIR2L, SIR2L2 |
Catalog No: 61043 | Format: 100 µl | $330 | Add to Cart |
Catalog No: 61044 | Format: 10 µl | $110 | Add to Cart |
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Published Applications
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This SIRT2 antibody was raised against a peptide within the C-terminal region of human SIRT2 protein.
Rabbit serum containing 30% glycerol and 0.035% sodium azide. Sodium azide is highly toxic.
SIRT2 is a member of the SIR2 / Sirtuin family of NAD-dependant deacetylase enzymes. It has multiple targets for deacetylation, including tubulin, P53, HOXA10, FOXO3A, P300, FOXO1. SIRT2 suppresses adipogenesis by deacetylating FOXO1, promoting the binding of FOXO1 to PPARγ and subsequent repression of PPARγ mediated transcriptional activation. Similar to SIRT1, SIRT2 also deacetylates H4AcK16 similar to SIRT1, SIRT2 deacetylates histone H4 at lysine 16. SIRT2 is present in the cytoplasm during most of the cell cycle except in the G2/M transition and in mitosis, where it is found in the nucleus and in contact with chromatin and required for exit from mitosis.
Some products may be shipped at room temperature. This will not affect their stability or performance. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles by aliquoting items into single-use fractions for storage at -20°C for up to 2 years. Keep all reagents on ice when not in storage.
This product is guaranteed for 12 months from date of receipt.
This product is for research use only and is not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Application Key
- ChIP = Chromatin Immunoprecipitation;
- ChIP = ChIP Sequencing;
- CUT&RUN = Cleavage Under Targets and Release Using Nuclease;
- CUT&Tag = Cleavage Under Targets and Tagmentation;
- DB = Dot Blot;
- ELISA = Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay;
- EMSA = Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay
- FC = Flow Cytometry;
- ICC = Immunocytochemistry;
- IF = Immunofluorescence;
- IHC = Immunohistochemistry;
- IP = Immunoprecipitation;
- MeDIP = Methyl-DNA Immunoprecipitation;
- NEU = Neutralizing;
- WB = Western Blotting