Recombinant NSUN2 protein
Catalog No: 81171 | Format: 20 µg | $470 | Add to Cart |
Catalog No: 81871 | Format: 1 mg | $4,150 | Add to Cart |
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Expressed In: Baculovirus Protein Species: Human
A representative Technical Data Sheet (TDS) is provided here. Please refer to the lot-specific TDS you will receive with your order for the lot-specific buffer contents and protein concentration.
NSUN2 (NOP2/Sun Domain Family, Member 2), also called as TRM4 (TRNA Methyltransferase 4 Homolog), is a member of NSUN family. It’s a RNA methyltransferase that methylates tRNAs, and possibly RNA polymerase III transcripts. NSUN2 also methylates cytosine to 5-methylcytosine (m5C) at positions 34 and 48 of introncontaining tRNA(Leu)(CAA) precursors, and at positions 48, 49 and 50 of tRNA(Gly)(GCC) precursors. It may act downstream of Myc to regulate epidermal cell growth and proliferation. NSUN2 is required for proper spindle assembly and chromosome segregation, independently of its methyltransferase activity.
Application Notes
This product was manufactured as described in Protein Details. Where possible, Active Motif has developed functional or activity assays for recombinant proteins. Additional characterization such as enzyme kinetic activity assays, inhibitor screening or other biological activity assays may not have been performed for every product. All available data for a given product is shown on the lot-specific Technical Data Sheet.
Protein Details
Recombinant NSUN2 protein was expressed in a baculovirus expression system as the full length protein (accession number NP_060225.4) with an N-terminal FLAG tag. The molecular weight of the protein is 88.1 kDa.
Recombinant NSUN2 protein
10% SDS-PAGE Coomassie staining
MW: 88.1 kDa
Purity: >80%
Recombinant proteins in solution are temperature sensitive and must be stored at -80°C to prevent degradation. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles and keep on ice when not in storage.
This product is for research use only and is not for use in diagnostic procedures. This product is guaranteed for 6 months from date of arrival.